Disciple Design was founded late in 1991 after a conversation with a fellow designer about the sorry state of design for churches and non-profitorganizations. The idea was to help Christian organizations produce better materials so their message could be heard and understood. It was an after-hours labor of love, since there wasn’t much money involved. After a year or so, it became apparent that a real need was there, and God was calling for Disciple to be a full-time affair. So, in a tiny step of faith, Disciple was officially opened after a weekend of assembling furniture in a newly rented loft. With no computer. And no clients. Fortunately, Disciple has grown steadily since that weekend, servicing every type of client from churches to non-profit organizations to medical, banking and industrial clients. It seems even organizations not necessarily affiliated with Christianity liked the way we went about doing their work. And we have computers now.

God has blessed us beyond any expectations, just as He promises in His Word. He has given us a great variety of work and loyal clients. All from a tiny step of faith. But we know that God is good, whether business is or not. And our primary mission remains the same: to help Christian organizations better communicate their message of hope to a hurting world.

Make no mistake, we are passionate about design. But, in the end, it’s not about how cool things look. Or how many logos we have designed. It’s about sharing our love for Christ and what He has done for us in and through our work – no matter who the work is for. And what did He do for us? Christ died for us – you and me – to save us from our sin. We all sin, and sin must be punished. That punishment is death. But Christ took our punishment on the cross so that we could have eternal life by believing in Him. And that is really all it takes – admitting our sin, trusting in what Christ did, and accepting the free gift of eternal life through grace. It’s not what we do, but what He has done. Then you can live your life as a thank-you to Christ. That’s it.

Now, how can we help you write your story?